
Beautiful Words - Namaste

Namaste - A Greeting, Farewell & So Much More

Origins -


Uses -

 Used traditionally as a greeting and a farwell in Indian culture. But increasingly used in western cultures, particularly among the "new age" movement to show gratitude, humility and praise.


Traditionally when using Namaste as a greeting or farewell the hands are placed palm to palm in prayer position in front of the heart chakra (Chest) and the head is bowed slightly. When using the word to praise, offer humility or when giving a spiritual offering the palms are turned upwards and the arms slightly outstretched in front of you.

Personal Meanings-

Personally I use Namaste to convey love. I find that the word resonates with loving energy and to me it means "I accept you", it shows that their are no negative energies between me and the person I am greeting. I feel a sense of respect and love when I use this word, it is one of my favourites.

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Top 3 - Crystals

I have been studying, working with and appreciating crystals for over 4 years now and during that time I have found several that really resonate with me. Anyone who has worked with crystals will tell you that some definitely work better with you than others, depending on the person any crystal could be considered "most powerful". I'm going to give you my top three that I have enjoyed working with so far on my path.

#3 - Black Onyx

Black Onyx has made the list as I find it to be the most soothing and grounding crystal in my collection. I use it when I am meditating and I also carry a small tumble stone in my pocket. On days when I have a lot of stress, anxiety or frustration I find that rolling it around in my hand centre's my mind and it absorbs all my negative vibes. 

I also find that when I am meditating if I place an Onyx stone on my root chakra I am more able to focus my thoughts and intentions than with any other stone.  When used in combination with another dark or black stone (particularly Obsidian in my experience) on the root chakra the grounding effect is intensified. This is due to both stone's strong connection to the Earth element, I have used this combination to help calm my mind and centre my energy during a panic attack. I have also used Black Onyx as a very effective migraine cure on both myself and on clients.

#2 - Unakite

Unakite - The Stone of Balance
Unakite is a member of the Jasper family, and is one of my personal favourites partly due to how beautiful it is, but also for its calming, balancing emotional effects. It is known as the stone of balanced emotions, this is because of it's connection to the element's Fire (Represented in it's red colour) & Water (Represented by the algae green colour). 

In the physical world fire and water cancel eachother out, and in energetic terms the water energy puts out the flames of anger, stress and frustration, and fire energy raises the vibrations of depression, sadness and melancholy. This creates an overall balanced mood for all those who are open to the stone's energy.

I use Unakite mainly for meditation, but sometimes carry a tumble stone in my pocket for if I am having an emotionally charged day. When meditating I place it onto my Heart chakra and allow it's balancing, clarifying energy to heal me both on a physical and energetic level. I recommend this stone for anyone who is healing from physical or emotional trauma as it's healing abilities are truly profound.

#1 - Amethyst

Amethyst is my favourite crystal, It is my primary go to crystal for all kinds of work, from chakra balancing & aura cleansing right through to helping my plants grow. Amethyst's vibrations are of a very high frequency and they work on all forms of life. Amethyst is the overall psychic stone, capable of raising you into an altered state of conciousness, access to the Akashic Records enabling out of body experiences and also intense emotional healing and cleansing.

The indigo colour of the Amethyst is a hint towards is properties, as Indigo is the psychic colour and also the colour of light emitted and received by the Third Eye chakra. Placing an amethyst on your Third Eye when meditating can help you to embark on mind blowing astral journeys, internal vision quests and allow access to the realm of the departed. I have had many powerful experiences meditating with Amethyst, inlcuding being shown the entire universe by my Guardian Angel. If you place an Amethsyt under your pillow you will have more intense and more lucid dreams.

Now before I go I can't leave you wondering what I meant by Amethyst helping my plants grow, well yes that is true, Amethyst does help plants to grow bigger and stronger. This is because plants are beings of a higher consciousness and they communicate on a higher frequency than us. By having an Amethyst around your plants you open a channel for your emotions to be absorbed by the crystal and then transmitted at a higher frequency which the plants are able to understand. So by sending loving caring vibrations out the plants will pick up on them  and respond by growing a lot better than they would without the crystal. Give it a try.

So there you have my top three crystals I have worked with so far. There are so many crystals that I haven't used or worked with yet so in time this top three may change. Let me know in the comments what your favourite crystal is, maybe I haven't tried it yet.

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How To Cleanse & Charge Your Crystals

Using Water & The Sun Will Supercharge Your Crystals
People have used crystals as tools for healing, energy sources and spiritual aids for millennia. But with use the
crystals energies and vibrations become depleted, much like a phone battery. And just like a phone battery there are ways to recharge your crystals when they are running low. In this post I will share the most common way of cleansing and recharging your crystals.

Cleanse With Clean Running Water

This method works for most but not all crystals, some crystals physically cannot handle water, for example Calcite will eventually dissolve if exposed to water so it is best not to use this method before checking whether your crystal is water compatible. But for those crystals which are compatible with water this method is quick, easy and highly effective if done right.

It is best to use running natural water for this cleansing method, for example a river or the rain, but if that is unavailable tap (Faucet) water will do just as well. Get the running water to a temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold and hold the crystal underneath the flow. If the crystal is pointed make sure that the tip of the point is facing downwards in order to allow the flow of negative energy out of the crystal and downstream with the water.

You should hold the crystal under the water for at least 30 seconds, while it is i the flow of the water imagine it glowing with pure white healing light, once you feel that the crystal is clean remove it from the water, it is now cleansed and ready to be charged.

Recharge With Sun/Moonlight 

After you have cleansed the crystals you will notice that they are cool to the touch, this is a sign that they have been cleansed thoroughly and are ready to be recharged. Cleansing the crystal removes any negative or old energy that has been absorbed and charging it rejuvinates the crystals integral vibrations and powers. Charging your crystals regularly should be a part of your basic crystal care routine.

To recharge your crystals you can use sunlight and moonlight, some crystals prefer one over the other. For example, Amethyst crystals prefer to charge under the light of the moon as the sun's rays are too intense and will cause the crystal to fade and its vibrations to weaken. Please check whether your crystals prefer sun or moon light before attempting to charge them.

Charging With Sunlight

Charging with the light of the sun is quick and easy, you simply place your crystals outside on a natural surface in full sunlight. Leaving them in the sun for a few hours will fully recharge them and you will notice that the energy they give out will be much more noticeable in the days after you charge them. You can use the sun at any time on any day, however I suggest that you charge all of your "sun" crystals for a full day on the summer solstice from sunrise to sunset. I will talk more about solstice energy in another article.

Charging With Moonlight

Charging using the moon is slightly more complex than with using sunlight. The moon can be used both to cleanse and charge crystals. On a new moon (no moon in the sky) you can place your crystals outside and they will be completely cleansed in the morning, and on a Full moon if crystals are placed to bathe in the moonlight they will be fully charged in the morning.

Crystals which are primarily used for the Third Eye & Crown chakras benefit greatly from moon energy, this is because moon energy is full of knowledge, mystery and can elevate people to a higher level of conciousness. Whereas crystals used for the more grounding chakras such as the Root & Heart chakra will benefit more from the clarifying, grounding energies of the Sun.

I hope this article will help you in cleansing and charging your crystals. To help others please Like & Share this on Twitter and Facebook.



How To Wake Up Early Without Caffeine

Do you hate Mondays? That groggy haze when you wake up, the irritating traffic reports on the radio reminding you of the hell that is yet to come, or realising that you haven't got time for breakfast? 

Yes these things make Mondays seem like the devil himself created them just to torture us humans, but they aren't all that bad. Meditation can make Mondays an exciting day filled with endless possibilities for the week to come. Here are 3 tips on how to use meditation to get you through Monday and the week ahead.

Tip #1 - Meditate Deeply On Sunday Night

Meditation has been proven to have real & long lasting positive effects such as improved mood, outlook onlife, sleep and overall physical and mental health. All that and with no side effects? Sure beats coffee! So a good way to make the idea of Monday Morning less of a chore and more of an awakening of a prosperous new week is to meditate deeply on Sunday night.

For people who are new to meditation I would suggest trying a guided meditation like this one (Beginners Guided Meditation), just lay back and pay your full attention to the voice on the recording. Lay back and let all thoughts just let all thoughts leave your mind. I will do more articles which will go into meditation in greater detail, but using a guided meditation is one of the easiest methods for someone who has little or no experience meditating. You can fall asleep straight after your meditation and you will wake up feeling ready to take on the day ahead.

If you are already familiar and experienced with meditation I would suggest using Pure Theta Wave binaural beats without music in the background to get maximum effect, like these (Theta Binaural Beats). Focus your energy on this mantra "With a new week, comes new beginnings" repeat it every time you inhale, hold the breath for a few seconds, then as you exhale breath out all the stresses and negative energy of the week. Visualise white light flowing in through your crown chakra and filling your entire being, surrounding you in a bubble of while loving light until you reach inner silence. Then just enjoy the great feeling of stillness, peace and love, you can even fall asleep during this silence. You will wake up feeling completely refreshed and looking forward to the week ahead.

Tip #2 - Using Crystals To Charge Yourself

Crystals are well known for their healing and cleansing properties, I am a strong advocate for their use. Using crystals as part of your Sunday night & Monday morning routine (Or your everyday routine really) can not only make you feel less groggy on a Monday morning, but they can also bring great things from your entire week ahead. I won't go into great detail about crystals in this post as I will be writing many crystal articles in the future, but I will give you 2 really good tips for improving your state of being on that dreaded Monday morning. 

 The most simple way to use crystals to improve your morning is to get an Amethyst (Preferably a smallish smooth tumblestone) cleanse & charge it (I will write a post on how to do this) and place it under your pillow. It will help you to fall asleep quicker and enter stages of deeper, more recharging sleep. It will also improve your dreams making them more vivid, therefore you will enjoy your sleep more and wake up feeling positive. Amethyst is also the peace crystal, wearing an amethyst pendant or bracelet during the day will keep any conflicts and negative energy from affecting your positive state of mind.

Another good crystal to use is Rose Quartz, placing a Rose Quartz of any size (The larger the more powerfull, but also more expensive) next to your bed will bring love energy into the room. It also helps to cleanse away fears, resentments and fills you with deep loving caring energy, which will in turn open you up to recieving love and caring energy from others. So you know that guy you hate from accounting? By using a Rose Quartz you can stop dreading running into him on the way into work and instead start to form a friendship with him. Another reason to get out of bed in the morning.

Tip #3 - Do Something You Enjoy On A Monday

A good way of making Mondays more enjoyable is too do something you enjoy, something you look forward too. Maybe you could join a sports group, or go to the cinema once a week, or go out for a meal on Monday? The fact that you are looking forward to doing something on a Monday makes you look forward to Monday arriving, it also makes your day at work go by a lot quicker. And it's a little reward for making it this far into the week. 

Ready to take Monday on? Let me know how you make Mondays tolerable

I hope this post has helped you or given you some inspiration on how to make Monday the best day of the week. Remember that every new week means that a whole new load of experiences are open to you. Follow these tips and you will feel great, and the best part is you can use them everyday if you want!

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What Is Project We?

Project We is changing the way people see the world. We have so many preconceived ideas about the world around us and the people in it, that our minds our no longer open and we rarely think about the things we believe. I am going to help people to contemplate these beliefs and opinions in order to help speed up the consciousness shift from "me" to "we.

Our global culture of greed has reached a point where it has become unsustainable and the negative repercussions are now staring us in the face. The economic crisis, environmental disasters, poverty and war are all some of the by-products  of our egocentric greed driven consumer lifestyles. Whether we like it or not the truth is that WE caused the Wall St crash & the recession, WE are causing global warming & killing the planet, WE are causing children to die of hunger & thirst around the world and WE caused the war in Iraq & Afghanistan. It is our western society's insatiable greed that has already caused these atrocities, but the good news is that it is the power to love that is the answer to these problems.

We need to change our way of thinking. We need to stop thinking from a "me" perspective and start thinking in the "we" frame of mind, we need a shift in global consciousness. Project We will show you the reality of your opinions, beliefs and lifestyles from a "we" perspective, Project We changes your way of thinking forcing you to step outside of your "me" bubble. But that's not all Project P does...

Project We doesn't just show you the problems and what causes them, we also give you ways to get involved in changing these problems, fixing the problems that we have caused. Restoring the balance that we destroyed, forgetting "me" and thinking "we". But Project We isn't just an online movement, it is a real life Project. 

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein

Our Lifestyle section gives you guides and lessons on how to make your life flow more in tune with the natural energies of the earth, how to meditate, how to raise your consciousness, how to help spread the message and many other ways you can live your life to help raise the global consciousness to the "we" perspective that will save us all, and return our people to a lifestyle which isn't destroying our very existence.

So to rejoin the global family, to forget "me" and start thinking "we", please follow my blog and other social networks. Join Project We and change the world, save the planet and the people! 
