
Top 3 - Crystals

I have been studying, working with and appreciating crystals for over 4 years now and during that time I have found several that really resonate with me. Anyone who has worked with crystals will tell you that some definitely work better with you than others, depending on the person any crystal could be considered "most powerful". I'm going to give you my top three that I have enjoyed working with so far on my path.

#3 - Black Onyx

Black Onyx has made the list as I find it to be the most soothing and grounding crystal in my collection. I use it when I am meditating and I also carry a small tumble stone in my pocket. On days when I have a lot of stress, anxiety or frustration I find that rolling it around in my hand centre's my mind and it absorbs all my negative vibes. 

I also find that when I am meditating if I place an Onyx stone on my root chakra I am more able to focus my thoughts and intentions than with any other stone.  When used in combination with another dark or black stone (particularly Obsidian in my experience) on the root chakra the grounding effect is intensified. This is due to both stone's strong connection to the Earth element, I have used this combination to help calm my mind and centre my energy during a panic attack. I have also used Black Onyx as a very effective migraine cure on both myself and on clients.

#2 - Unakite

Unakite - The Stone of Balance
Unakite is a member of the Jasper family, and is one of my personal favourites partly due to how beautiful it is, but also for its calming, balancing emotional effects. It is known as the stone of balanced emotions, this is because of it's connection to the element's Fire (Represented in it's red colour) & Water (Represented by the algae green colour). 

In the physical world fire and water cancel eachother out, and in energetic terms the water energy puts out the flames of anger, stress and frustration, and fire energy raises the vibrations of depression, sadness and melancholy. This creates an overall balanced mood for all those who are open to the stone's energy.

I use Unakite mainly for meditation, but sometimes carry a tumble stone in my pocket for if I am having an emotionally charged day. When meditating I place it onto my Heart chakra and allow it's balancing, clarifying energy to heal me both on a physical and energetic level. I recommend this stone for anyone who is healing from physical or emotional trauma as it's healing abilities are truly profound.

#1 - Amethyst

Amethyst is my favourite crystal, It is my primary go to crystal for all kinds of work, from chakra balancing & aura cleansing right through to helping my plants grow. Amethyst's vibrations are of a very high frequency and they work on all forms of life. Amethyst is the overall psychic stone, capable of raising you into an altered state of conciousness, access to the Akashic Records enabling out of body experiences and also intense emotional healing and cleansing.

The indigo colour of the Amethyst is a hint towards is properties, as Indigo is the psychic colour and also the colour of light emitted and received by the Third Eye chakra. Placing an amethyst on your Third Eye when meditating can help you to embark on mind blowing astral journeys, internal vision quests and allow access to the realm of the departed. I have had many powerful experiences meditating with Amethyst, inlcuding being shown the entire universe by my Guardian Angel. If you place an Amethsyt under your pillow you will have more intense and more lucid dreams.

Now before I go I can't leave you wondering what I meant by Amethyst helping my plants grow, well yes that is true, Amethyst does help plants to grow bigger and stronger. This is because plants are beings of a higher consciousness and they communicate on a higher frequency than us. By having an Amethyst around your plants you open a channel for your emotions to be absorbed by the crystal and then transmitted at a higher frequency which the plants are able to understand. So by sending loving caring vibrations out the plants will pick up on them  and respond by growing a lot better than they would without the crystal. Give it a try.

So there you have my top three crystals I have worked with so far. There are so many crystals that I haven't used or worked with yet so in time this top three may change. Let me know in the comments what your favourite crystal is, maybe I haven't tried it yet.

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