
How To Wake Up Early Without Caffeine

Do you hate Mondays? That groggy haze when you wake up, the irritating traffic reports on the radio reminding you of the hell that is yet to come, or realising that you haven't got time for breakfast? 

Yes these things make Mondays seem like the devil himself created them just to torture us humans, but they aren't all that bad. Meditation can make Mondays an exciting day filled with endless possibilities for the week to come. Here are 3 tips on how to use meditation to get you through Monday and the week ahead.

Tip #1 - Meditate Deeply On Sunday Night

Meditation has been proven to have real & long lasting positive effects such as improved mood, outlook onlife, sleep and overall physical and mental health. All that and with no side effects? Sure beats coffee! So a good way to make the idea of Monday Morning less of a chore and more of an awakening of a prosperous new week is to meditate deeply on Sunday night.

For people who are new to meditation I would suggest trying a guided meditation like this one (Beginners Guided Meditation), just lay back and pay your full attention to the voice on the recording. Lay back and let all thoughts just let all thoughts leave your mind. I will do more articles which will go into meditation in greater detail, but using a guided meditation is one of the easiest methods for someone who has little or no experience meditating. You can fall asleep straight after your meditation and you will wake up feeling ready to take on the day ahead.

If you are already familiar and experienced with meditation I would suggest using Pure Theta Wave binaural beats without music in the background to get maximum effect, like these (Theta Binaural Beats). Focus your energy on this mantra "With a new week, comes new beginnings" repeat it every time you inhale, hold the breath for a few seconds, then as you exhale breath out all the stresses and negative energy of the week. Visualise white light flowing in through your crown chakra and filling your entire being, surrounding you in a bubble of while loving light until you reach inner silence. Then just enjoy the great feeling of stillness, peace and love, you can even fall asleep during this silence. You will wake up feeling completely refreshed and looking forward to the week ahead.

Tip #2 - Using Crystals To Charge Yourself

Crystals are well known for their healing and cleansing properties, I am a strong advocate for their use. Using crystals as part of your Sunday night & Monday morning routine (Or your everyday routine really) can not only make you feel less groggy on a Monday morning, but they can also bring great things from your entire week ahead. I won't go into great detail about crystals in this post as I will be writing many crystal articles in the future, but I will give you 2 really good tips for improving your state of being on that dreaded Monday morning. 

 The most simple way to use crystals to improve your morning is to get an Amethyst (Preferably a smallish smooth tumblestone) cleanse & charge it (I will write a post on how to do this) and place it under your pillow. It will help you to fall asleep quicker and enter stages of deeper, more recharging sleep. It will also improve your dreams making them more vivid, therefore you will enjoy your sleep more and wake up feeling positive. Amethyst is also the peace crystal, wearing an amethyst pendant or bracelet during the day will keep any conflicts and negative energy from affecting your positive state of mind.

Another good crystal to use is Rose Quartz, placing a Rose Quartz of any size (The larger the more powerfull, but also more expensive) next to your bed will bring love energy into the room. It also helps to cleanse away fears, resentments and fills you with deep loving caring energy, which will in turn open you up to recieving love and caring energy from others. So you know that guy you hate from accounting? By using a Rose Quartz you can stop dreading running into him on the way into work and instead start to form a friendship with him. Another reason to get out of bed in the morning.

Tip #3 - Do Something You Enjoy On A Monday

A good way of making Mondays more enjoyable is too do something you enjoy, something you look forward too. Maybe you could join a sports group, or go to the cinema once a week, or go out for a meal on Monday? The fact that you are looking forward to doing something on a Monday makes you look forward to Monday arriving, it also makes your day at work go by a lot quicker. And it's a little reward for making it this far into the week. 

Ready to take Monday on? Let me know how you make Mondays tolerable

I hope this post has helped you or given you some inspiration on how to make Monday the best day of the week. Remember that every new week means that a whole new load of experiences are open to you. Follow these tips and you will feel great, and the best part is you can use them everyday if you want!

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