
Beautiful Words - Namaste

Namaste - A Greeting, Farewell & So Much More

Origins -


Uses -

 Used traditionally as a greeting and a farwell in Indian culture. But increasingly used in western cultures, particularly among the "new age" movement to show gratitude, humility and praise.


Traditionally when using Namaste as a greeting or farewell the hands are placed palm to palm in prayer position in front of the heart chakra (Chest) and the head is bowed slightly. When using the word to praise, offer humility or when giving a spiritual offering the palms are turned upwards and the arms slightly outstretched in front of you.

Personal Meanings-

Personally I use Namaste to convey love. I find that the word resonates with loving energy and to me it means "I accept you", it shows that their are no negative energies between me and the person I am greeting. I feel a sense of respect and love when I use this word, it is one of my favourites.

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