
How To Cleanse & Charge Your Crystals

Using Water & The Sun Will Supercharge Your Crystals
People have used crystals as tools for healing, energy sources and spiritual aids for millennia. But with use the
crystals energies and vibrations become depleted, much like a phone battery. And just like a phone battery there are ways to recharge your crystals when they are running low. In this post I will share the most common way of cleansing and recharging your crystals.

Cleanse With Clean Running Water

This method works for most but not all crystals, some crystals physically cannot handle water, for example Calcite will eventually dissolve if exposed to water so it is best not to use this method before checking whether your crystal is water compatible. But for those crystals which are compatible with water this method is quick, easy and highly effective if done right.

It is best to use running natural water for this cleansing method, for example a river or the rain, but if that is unavailable tap (Faucet) water will do just as well. Get the running water to a temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold and hold the crystal underneath the flow. If the crystal is pointed make sure that the tip of the point is facing downwards in order to allow the flow of negative energy out of the crystal and downstream with the water.

You should hold the crystal under the water for at least 30 seconds, while it is i the flow of the water imagine it glowing with pure white healing light, once you feel that the crystal is clean remove it from the water, it is now cleansed and ready to be charged.

Recharge With Sun/Moonlight 

After you have cleansed the crystals you will notice that they are cool to the touch, this is a sign that they have been cleansed thoroughly and are ready to be recharged. Cleansing the crystal removes any negative or old energy that has been absorbed and charging it rejuvinates the crystals integral vibrations and powers. Charging your crystals regularly should be a part of your basic crystal care routine.

To recharge your crystals you can use sunlight and moonlight, some crystals prefer one over the other. For example, Amethyst crystals prefer to charge under the light of the moon as the sun's rays are too intense and will cause the crystal to fade and its vibrations to weaken. Please check whether your crystals prefer sun or moon light before attempting to charge them.

Charging With Sunlight

Charging with the light of the sun is quick and easy, you simply place your crystals outside on a natural surface in full sunlight. Leaving them in the sun for a few hours will fully recharge them and you will notice that the energy they give out will be much more noticeable in the days after you charge them. You can use the sun at any time on any day, however I suggest that you charge all of your "sun" crystals for a full day on the summer solstice from sunrise to sunset. I will talk more about solstice energy in another article.

Charging With Moonlight

Charging using the moon is slightly more complex than with using sunlight. The moon can be used both to cleanse and charge crystals. On a new moon (no moon in the sky) you can place your crystals outside and they will be completely cleansed in the morning, and on a Full moon if crystals are placed to bathe in the moonlight they will be fully charged in the morning.

Crystals which are primarily used for the Third Eye & Crown chakras benefit greatly from moon energy, this is because moon energy is full of knowledge, mystery and can elevate people to a higher level of conciousness. Whereas crystals used for the more grounding chakras such as the Root & Heart chakra will benefit more from the clarifying, grounding energies of the Sun.

I hope this article will help you in cleansing and charging your crystals. To help others please Like & Share this on Twitter and Facebook.



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