
Weekly Happiness Challenge - Introduction

Depression, anxiety and other mental conditions have become extremely prevalent in today's society. People who have not suffered with mental ailments often pass them off as being made up, overdramatised or as only effecting "weak" people, but these statements simply aren't true. Mental health problems are 100% real,they can be debilitating and even turn people to suicide, so I feel that it is my duty as a human, and as a recovering sufferer of depression and social anxiety to help people who are currently suffering to get on the road to recovery. So I have created a series of life hacks and challenges to kick start you're progress.

Depression and other mental conditions should not be seen as a bad thing, but as a good thing. Depression is the subtle energy of discord manifesting into physical reality.In one or more areas of your life you are seeing or perceiving energies which are out of balance and this causes you to physically feel this inbalance as depression, anxiety or stress. 

This therefore means that you are not weak because you suffer depression, it means you are intuitive and in touch enough with yourself to notice that either your internal or external environment isn't as it should be and you are suffering because you want so bad for it to be corrected. It is your want of happiness and balance that leads to such extreme sadness when you notice unbalanced energies.

When my depression was at it's worst I often felt that my life was pointless, I had no reason to get up in the mornings or even to leave the house. But when I pushed myself and gave myself tasks and challenges I often found that my symptoms would ease up or even completely subside. So using my personal experience I have devised a series of challenges to help you to get out of bed and to make each day happier.

Every week on a Monday I will post a new infographic showing the details of that week's Happiness Challenge. Each challenge will be made up of seven targets a each one is designed to give your daily life a structure and a purpose, with the overall goal of creating internal and external energetic equilibrium moving into a happier headspace and returning to your true self.

I want you to put your heart and soul into these challenges and to always remain focused on why you are doing this. Focus on the happiness you will gain through these practices, on the joy of being part of a community with a common goal. Always remember that there is always going to be another member of Project We who is going through the same things as you and we're always there to help one another.

So are you ready to take depression on face to face? Are you ready to feel happy again?
The first challenge will be posted on Monday 14th July 2014 and each weekly challenge will be posted on a Monday. Remember Project We is all about helping each other so please don't forget to share the weekly challenges in order to help other people who are suffering.

Even if you are not suffering with a mental  health issue you can still take part in the challenges. Everybody's life has enough room for some more happiness. 

Good luck with the challenges, I hope you find happiness in them. 

Until next time, Peace.